Drinking Water System.
The truth is...you can't live without it. But did you know that a recent national assessment of our tap water quality found 260 contaminants, 141 of which have no enforceable safety limits. According to publicly available government toxicity reports, of these 141 unregulated contaminants, 52 are linked to cancer, 41 to reproductive toxicity, 36 to developmental toxicity and 16 to immune system damage. Despite these potential health risks, any concentration of these contaminants in tap water is legal, no matter the levels.
Bottled water sources are not necessarily better as many companies simply repackage tap water and/or do not treat nor test for contaminants not to mention the contamination that comes from the type of plastics used in the processing and packaging of bottled water.
In order to have optimal health, proper hydration with water is essential. The average person should consume 50% of their body weight in ounces of water per day which is somewhere in the neighborhood of 2-3 liters and even more if you are exercising heavily or have a health condition such as cancer. How do you get the hydration you need and protect yourself from harmful contaminants?
The Eco Water Shower Filter.
The Healing Sanctuary is privileged to have access to some of the most technologically advanced and affordable water filtration systems available today. Our water resource is a long time water engineer and expert in the field of water management. Utilizing the latest research as well as knowledge of existing water systems, he has customized a water system that delivers the best in safety while at the same time promoting optimal health and wellness.
The Healing Sanctuary has installed an Eco Water Technology system that provides the water you drink and use in your tea when you are visiting our office. We are proud to offer these filters and systems to our patients and urge you to call us today to find out more information or schedule your own free in-home consultation.
For more information on water filtration systems call our office at 714-730-2233.