Personalized Health Coaching

The Healing Sanctuary has a highly trained and qualified team of health coaches to serve your every need including:

  • Dietary/Nutrition Programs – Our coaches are trained on a wide variety of dietary approaches including elimination diets such as Whole30, ketogenic and low carb/high fat (LCHF) diets, FODMAP, GAPS and medical condition specific diets such at the SCD (special carbohydrate diet) for Crohns and IBD. A comprehensive evaluation and appropriate testing will help us to identify the nutritional approach that is best suited to your health improvement goals.
  • Stress Response Management Programs – Stress causes disease and breakdown in function of the human body. Our coaches will teach you how to implement a stress response management regimen into your busy lifestyle. You will learn techniques such as meditation, deep breathing, and biofeedback to help you create a more balanced and healthy approach to the stressors in your life.
  • Physical Fitness and Muscle Rebuilding – We can help you customize a physical fitness plan that meets you where you are and works with you to establish appropriate fitness improvement goals. Whether its more strength, better endurance or a bikini ready body, our health coaches can help you get there.
  • Prepping and Planning for Success – Any success in life requires planning, preparation and accountability. Your coach can teach you the keys to success in improving health through lifestyle changes. Everything from pantry remodeling to educational shopping trips, our coaches have the knowledge and experience to help you successfully navigate the often bumpy road to health improvement through lifestyle changes.
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We work with clients anywhere in the USA

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(714) 730-2233


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