How Your Immune System Works and How to Supercharge It

Article by Dr. Grace Soltynski, DAOM, LCSW

Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called your Immune System (think of it as the highly guarded gate to the castle).  It is designed to defend against bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins, and parasites that are waiting for your defenses to lower so they can invade your body. When Your Immune System works well, none of these microorganisms are able to get in, but the moment your immunity gets weak or stops working, the door is wide open.

The Immune System is complex, intricate, and works around the clock in thousands of different ways. When we are healthy, we do not notice our Immune system. However, the moment something happens to our body, we can see or feel our Immune system “at work”.  Here are several examples:

When you get a cut, it opens the door to all kinds of bacteria and viruses to enter your body through the break in the skin.  Your immune system responds by sending white blood cells to the area to eliminate any invaders and allow the skin to begin to heal.

Each day you inhale thousands bacteria and viruses that are floating around in the air. Your immune system deals with all of them without a problem. Occasionally, a germ gets past the immune system and you catch a cold or a flu. The fact that you get over the cold or flu is a visible sign that your immune system was able to eliminate the invader after learning about it.

Each day you consume hundreds of germs, most of which simply die in the saliva or the acid of the stomach. Occasionally, however, one gets through and causes “food poisoning”. There is usually a very visible effect of this breach of the immune system:  vomiting and diarrhea are two most common symptoms.

Here are my recommendations for supercharging your immune system.

Avoid Sugar
Sugar decreases the function of your immune system almost immediately. It is especially significant to avoid sugar if you feel you are coming down with something, but keeping sugar out of your diet for the long haul will do wonders for your health and make your body stronger. Be aware that sugar is present in foods you may not suspect like ketchup and fruit juices.

Get Enough Rest
Just as it becomes harder for you to do your daily tasks if you are exhausted, if your body is overly tired it will be harder for it to fight off diseases. Regular rest will keep you strong and ensure that your body has the strength to defend you against any potential invaders. Be sure to contact The Healing Sanctuary to learn about “Secrets to Good Night’s Sleep”.

Eat Antioxidant Rich Foods
Have you ever wondered what it means when something is “rich in antioxidants?”  What is an antioxidant anyway?

Antioxidants are nature’s defense to guard cellular structures and genetic material against the damaging effects of free radicals (similar to rust on a car). A continuous supply of antioxidants is critical to counteract these free radicals for internal and external health.  Organic and fresh fruits and vegetables are your best choice. We can actually test your antioxidant level in our office. Call us today to schedule your antioxidant scan.

Manage Your Response to Stress
We all face some stress every day, but if your response to the stress becomes overwhelming, your body will be less able to fight off illnesses.  It has been estimated that up to 90 % of illness and disease is stress-related.  If you feel that stress is taking a toll on your health, consider using Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), a type of psychological acupressure.  EFT is remarkably effective in relieving stress associated with all kinds of events, from work to family to trauma.  If you wish to learn more on how EFT works, please make an appointment with our EFT master.

When you exercise you increase your circulation and your blood flow throughout your body.  The components of your immune system are also better circulated, which means your immune system has a better chance of finding an invader before it has a chance to spread.  In a sense, exercising helps your immune system to be more efficient in weeding out and acting upon viruses and diseases.  Over exercise on the other hand can suppress your immune system. Call us to learn more about our exercise guidelines and for some great tips to get started.

Wash Your Hands
Washing your hands will decrease your likelihood of spreading a virus to your nose, mouth, or other people.  If your immune system is strong, it should be able to fight off the virus if it enters your body, but washing your hands provides a bit of extra protection.

grace-headshotDr. Grace Soltynski is a board certified Doctor of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (DAOM) in California. She specializes in functional medicine and has successfully supported and treated patients with health problems such as cancer, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, migraines, menopausal symptoms, hormonal imbalance, including polycystic ovary disease, and numerous orthopedic conditions.

Learn more about her current program Total Weight Loss Cure.


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